Bloc Party - Silent Alarm

Genres: Indie rock, Indie pop
Released: February 2, 2005

Are you hoping for a miracle? You don't need to because there is one right in front of you. Silent Alarm is on a list of my favorite albums of all time. Its one of those albums that its so good that every song could be a single off it. Unlike most of the garbage that is released these days. Where the single they release is usually the only good song off the album...if that. Silent alarm has it all from fast songs with amazing guitar riffs to beautifully crafted slower songs. Pointed pop tunes yelp and cry and tug at your heart even as the band's rhythmic friction spews sparks at your feet. Silent Alarm was very well received by critics. Praise often centered on its fast tempo and cathartic delivery. If your disappointed in the album i will be shocked.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

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Vampire Weekend (Self Titled)

Genre(S): Indie pop, Indie rock
Released: January 29, 2008

I remember when this album got released. There was so much hype behind it. It seamed like every kid with thick black rimmed glasses, plaid flannel shirt, tight pants and converse all stars shoes were talking about and playing this album. I put it on the back shelf. I got it and totally forgot i had it up until a few months ago. The good news is that, unlike a lot of records that get hyped, Vampire Weekend is deserving of every piece of praise it has received. Song after song is extremely catchy that will have you coming back to this album time after time.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

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The Snake The Cross The Crown - Cotton Teeth

Genre: Indie, Folk
Release Date: Mar 6 2007

The Snake The Cross The Crown's Cotton Teeth is a mostly down tempo, chilled-out record, and one on which to play on a hot, summer Sunday evening hanging out with friends on your back porch. Cotton Teeth really shines when the crashing cymbals are replaced with lightly brushed snare drums and electric guitars with acoustics. The piano becomes the focal point of many songs and acts as the driving force on “Electronic Dream Plant”, which happens to be one of my favorite songs of all time. The songs ring with bitter honesty and manage to capture the perfect medium between “sad” and “happy.” In my mind The Snake The Cross The Crown continue to be one of the best unknown bands.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

And since their very unknown they don't have a music video. But i managed to find a live video of them.

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Band Of Horses - Everything All the Time

Genre(s):Indie rock, Alternative Country, Southern rock
Released: March 21, 2006

An amazingly crafted debut album from indie rockers Band Of Horses. I only recently found out about them and once i heard "The Funeral" of this album i was hooked. I immediately downloaded Everything All the Time and oh man was i happy i did. Their guitar-heavy sound and lead singer Creighton Barrett's echo-y vocals invite comparisons the Shins, and more general similarities can be noted with that of Neil Young. I must say that Band Of Horses sound is quite innovative and genuinely refreshing over the course of these 10 sweeping, heart-on-sleeve anthems. "The band's most winning trait is its delicate balance of elements-- between gloom and promise, quiet and loud, epic and ordinary, familiar and new, direct and elliptical, artist and listener. Each of these aspects makes the others sound stronger and more complex, making Everything All the Time an album that's easy to get lost in and even easier to love." -Stephen M. Deusner,

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

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Low vs. Diamond

Genre: Indie Rock
Released: April 2008

If you are a fan of the Strokes, the Honorary Title or early Killers, say hello to your new favorite band. The vocals are top notch and sound like Jarrod Grobel (Honorary Title) and Brandon Flowers (Killers) are making out. Slowly rising and falling throughout the song, the vocals are what drives LvsD.
Musically speaking the band sounds awesome. They each seem to work together within the musical flow of the songs and they all kind of take a backseat to the vocals but still are very much in the listener’s face.
Weird fact about the band: The name Low vs. Diamond supposedly refers to drummer Howie Diamond and an ex-member's girlfriend, who was nicknamed Low. Apparently all they use to do was fight and thats how they got their name.Weird.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

Video for "Don't Forget Sister" Pretty cool video.

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So Thrice is really hit or miss for me these days but just heard this song off their new album and really like it.

In Exile

Thrice | MySpace Music Videos

Yet to listen to their new album but will do soon and post what i thought about it. Until then enjoy this song.

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The National - Boxer

Genre: Indie Rock
Released: May 22, 2007

What can i say about this album besides go get it pop it in the cd player, record player, itunes sit back and be prepared to be amazed. "From the first piano chords on opener "Fake Empire", the National create a late-night, empty-city-street mood, slightly menacing but mostly isolated. The 10 tracks that follow sustain and even amplify that feeling, revealing the band's range as they play close to the vest." - Stephen M. Deusner (Pitchfork). Boxers is a drummers album with songs "Mistaken For Strangers" "Brainy" "Squalor Victoria" "Apartment Story" and "Guest Room". Boxer was also on numerous top albums of 2007 lists. Boxer also has made numerous "album of the decade" lists including Pitchfork Media, Aquarium Drunkard, Paste, and many more.

Buy: Amazon, iTunes

This album is to good to just post one song..

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Cold War Kids - Robbers & Cowards

Genre: Indie rock
Released: October 10, 2006

So i said i was going to post my favorites of the 2009, but i felt that towards the end of December ill get back at that.

Robbers & Cowards was the first LP released from Cold War Kids. I can remember listening to this album back in 06 and being blown away by how talented this band was. What hit me so hard was that Cold War Kids created a sound i had never heard before. I couldn't get enough of it, i must have had this album on repeat for weeks. I will say that singer Nathan Willett's voice is an acquired taste. Either you love his voice or hate it, personally its one of my favorites in music today.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

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The Decemberists - The Hazards Of Love

Genre: Indie rock, Folk rock
Released: March 24, 2009

The Hazards Of Love is the fifth album from indie rockers The Decemberists. The Hazards Of Love is a rock opera, with all songs contributing to a unified narrative, similar to the use of recurring stories in The Crane Wife(previous album). The album is amazingly written both musically and lyrically. The Hazards Of Love plot is a love story: a woman named Margaret falls in love with a shape-shifting Boreal forest dweller named William. A jealous forest queen, the villainous Rake and an ensemble of recurring characters bring conflict to the album's story arc. My favorite aspect of the album was that you get singers playing characters throughout the album and get to hear three different singers throughout the album.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes

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Brand New - Daisy

Genre(s):Alternative rock, experimental rock, art rock, noise rock
Relese date: September 22, 2009

Daisy is the fourth studio album from my favorite band Brand New. Much like previous album "The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me" the band is getting much more darker with their music. This album from start to finish a very loud and exhausting album which is being played with so much energy and passion. One if the main reasons why i loved Daisy (besides Jesse Lacey's amazing voice)was the drums being played by Brian Lane. On songs Gasoline, Sink, Daisy and Noro the loud pounding of the drums are thrown at you and played with so much effort. I strongly suggest listen to this album unless your looking to listen to a mellow album.

Buy/Steal: Amazon , iTunes or through illegal means (which most of you will probably do)

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Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix

So since the year is coming to a close i though i should start posting my top albums of the year (not in any particular order)

Genre(s): Indie rock
Relese date: May 25, 2009

So I must say that Phoenix's Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix is in my top 3 if not number one favorite album of 2009. These French boys (yes they are from Versailles, France) have put together a album that from start to finish is an amazing listen with songs so catchy once listened to will be stuck in your head for days(in a good way). You might also find yourself unable to control your body movements and therefore start dancing or at the very least lots of head bopping.

Buy/Steal: Amazon, iTunes or through illegal means (which most of you will probably do)


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Why Not?

So if you know me you know i have always been the kid who made fun of people who "Tweet'ed" or "Bloged". Yet today i found myself falling victim to that blue bird and starting a blog. This blog that i am starting as you know is called SBacker Music Movement. So as you can tell its a music blog.

I often get told that i have great taste in music and have friends asking me all the time for good bands, cds or songs. So i figured that i would start a blog and post good bands and cds. I hope to have daily updates

So blogger nation be gentle with me i am a blogging lets get this baby going

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