White Stripes - Under Great White Northern Lights

So Jack White is one of my favorite musicians and probably one the greatest guitar player in music today (out of artists still putting out records) and versatile musicians. I cannot wait for these two beauties

Under Great White Northern Lights Doc


The Box Set

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Pete Doherty is a funny man

I found this story to be pretty hilarious

Former Libertines frontman Pete Doherty was fined Wednesday for walking into a court last month with heroin in his pocket. Pete had been summoned to the court to be fined for careless driving, but as he was being escorted from the premises, security guards saw heroin fall from his pocket. Reports say he had 13 bags of heroin in his pocket... he said he just forgot.

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Shout Out Louds - Work

Genre: Indie rock
Released: February 23, 2010

In today's music it's extremely rare to find an album you can listen from start to finish but there is always an exception to the rule. The exception being Shout Out Louds new album Work. This ten track album will have you wanting a eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth track. After touring behind their previous record, "Our Ill Wills", the band went their separate ways. Singer/songwriter Adam Olenius penned many of the new songs while in Australia using only a small synthesizer, acoustic guitar, and Garageband on his laptop. The songs were then passed on to the others and the band collaborated until Work was complete. I know we are not even a month into 2010 but i gaurentee that this will make my top 3 if not top 10 list of 2010.

If you head over to Shout Out Louds Myspace page you can download a free copy of "Walls"

Fall Hard

Shout Out Louds - Fall Hard from Merge Records on Vimeo.

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Cold War Kids - Audience Video

From my favorite EP of 2009 Cold War Kids "Audience"

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Clothes Make The Man - Distance

Ontario's own Clothes Make The Man are back with their second LP release. As font man Ryan McLennan said when i saw them live "It was long over due" (Their first album was released on early 2007). In my opinion the long wait was well worth it for "Distance". Since their first self titled album i must say CMTM have progressed and expanded their sound. They range from catchy songs that make you want to stand up, rock out and clap your hands in "Alpha Centauri", to heavier rock anthems in "Cruisin'". With this album it only makes sense that CMTM should and will get the recognition they deserve for being one of the premiere bands in Ontario.

P.S If you have a chance to see this band live do yourself a favor and go see them. I have currently been to three CMTM shows and loved every minute of it. They all play with so much raw emotion and you can really tell these guys love what they are doing.

Currently you cannot buy their album online the only place you can get it right now is at CMTM concerts. Hopefully they will put it online soon for you all to purchase

Privy Video

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Frightened Rabbits

I must say i have never really been a fan of Frightened Rabbits but when i heard their new single (posted below) i must say i was rather surprised and eager to hear this album. What grabbed my attention was that the song has a somewhat Modest Mouse sound to it. I still wouldnt place this album to high on my anticipated 2010 releases but never the less wouldn't mind hearing it sometime soon.

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Shout Out Louds

After a three year hiatus The Shout Out Louds are ready to realese their new album. Spin has a exclusive track from the album. Listen

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Apparently its Full Album Stream Tuesday.. NPR is streaming Spoons Transference album today. Transference hits stores January 19th. Once i finish listening to MCS new album i will listen to this one. Cannot wait since this album has been getting amazing reviews...would you expect anything less from Spoon?

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Spin - 16 Rock Myths

Spin Magazine recently posted a pretty cool article about 16 rock myths. A very interesting and a good read

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Motion City Soundtrack - Dinosaur Life

Motion City Soundtrack is currently streaming their new album "Dinosaur Life" on their Myspace page. Dinosaur Life is set to be released on January 19th. I am currently half way through the album and enjoying it a lot hopefully you will too.

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Vampire Weekend

Vampire Weekends new album Contra which is released on January 12 is currently streaming on their myspace. Listen

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Matt and Kim - Grand

Genre: Indie pop
Released: January 20, 2009

If you follow my blog you will recognize this album from my top 10 list of 2009. Matt and Kim are a two piece band from Brooklyn NY who met at school in 2004. Since then they have released two albums "Matt and Kim" and "Grand". There is something to be said about a band who formed in 2004 not knowing how to play instruments and within a few years make the impact they have and continue to make. With only drums (Kim) and a keyboard (Matt) you just assume there is going to be catchy songs. Well your right everysong on the album is a catchy one. My favorite aspect of this album is Kim's ability to make her drum set her bitch by whaling on them throughout the whole album. Blink 182 bass player and singer Mark Hoppus is a large endorser of Matt and Kim. He put this album on his top albums of 2009 and this is one of the many things he said about the album "I love that it's kind of lo-fi, and shows they recorded it themselves. It's definitely not Dark Side of the Moon production. It sounds like two people having a great time recording in their apartment."

Buy: Amazon, iTunes

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Motion City Soundtrack

A new Motion City Soundtrack song entitled 'A Lifeless Ordinary (Need A Little Help' has been posted online. The song is taken from the band's upcoming release, My Dinosaur Life. Here

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The Clash - London Calling

Today marks the 30th anniversary of The Clash's ground breaking London Calling Album. This album set the mold for "punk" music, many have tried to recreate it but cannot come close. Since its the 30th anniversary decided to post an orinigal review by TOM CARSON from Rolling Stone Magazine in 1980 in which he gave 4.5 stars out of 5

"By now, our expectations of the Clash might seem to have become inflated beyond any possibility of fulfillment. It's not simply that they're the greatest rock & roll band in the world–indeed, after years of watching too many superstars compromise, blow chances and sell out, being the greatest is just about synonymous with being the music's last hope. While the group itself resists such labels, they do tell you exactly how high the stakes are, and how urgent the need. The Clash got their start on the crest of what looked like a revolution, only to see the punk movement either smash up on its own violent momentum or be absorbed into the same corporate-rock machinery it had meant to destroy. Now, almost against their will, they're the only ones left"......Continue Reading

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Aziz Ansari - Intimate Moments for a Sensual Evening

Not music but cannot wait for this stand up cd. You might recognize Aziz from the show Parks and Recreation and movies such as Funny People, I Love You Man and Observe and Report. Aziz is one of the fresh faces in stand up and just waiting to blow up.

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Phoenix - Live on the Interface

Few live videos of Phoenix performing some songs acoustically

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