The Clash - London Calling

Today marks the 30th anniversary of The Clash's ground breaking London Calling Album. This album set the mold for "punk" music, many have tried to recreate it but cannot come close. Since its the 30th anniversary decided to post an orinigal review by TOM CARSON from Rolling Stone Magazine in 1980 in which he gave 4.5 stars out of 5

"By now, our expectations of the Clash might seem to have become inflated beyond any possibility of fulfillment. It's not simply that they're the greatest rock & roll band in the world–indeed, after years of watching too many superstars compromise, blow chances and sell out, being the greatest is just about synonymous with being the music's last hope. While the group itself resists such labels, they do tell you exactly how high the stakes are, and how urgent the need. The Clash got their start on the crest of what looked like a revolution, only to see the punk movement either smash up on its own violent momentum or be absorbed into the same corporate-rock machinery it had meant to destroy. Now, almost against their will, they're the only ones left"......Continue Reading

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